GAMUT has received a 4 year Phd position from UIB strategic focus: Global societal challenges
The University’s strategic focus on global challenges is based on global development and globalisation processes and the position will be connected to the GAMUT ignited project “Music, Health and Policy – Child-focused and music therapy-based health research to meet European challenges for migrant minors – a qualitative field study.”
Main supervisor: Viggo KrügerGrieg Academy, University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD)
Recent research indicates that music can promote mental health, welfare and human rights of minor migrants. Since music is a resource that is available across contexts, even in situations of poverty, disadvantage and disability, it can be a significant resource for health and development. Based on the principles of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, the proposed study will focus particularly on the life world and experiences of minor migrants in the Spanish enclave Melilla in Northern Africa. The aim of the project is:
A. To learn more about the context of minor migrants in Melilla, including what arts and education activities they have access to and how they experience their own situation.
B. To learn more about minor migrants’ experience of their own coping strategies.
C. To learn more about how minor migrants experience participation in music and music related activities.
D. To develop theoretical concepts and insights based on themes from the three empirical studies.
A selection of child-focused research strategies will be employed, with a focus upon qualitative music therapy, social science, and health research.
Three research centers are involved:
1. GAMUT1 – The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (Faculty of Fine Art, Music, and Design).
2. Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (Faculty of Social Sciences)
3. Centre for International Health (CIH) (Faculty of Medicine)
See project description for further info 2020 global phd GAMUT- Prosjektskisse