New article with contribution from GAMUT colleague Monika Geretsegger: Rhythmic Relating: Bidirectional support for social timing in autism therapies

A new open-access ‘hypothesis and theory’ article has recently been published: Daniel, S., Wimpory, D., Delafield-Butt, J. T., Malloch, S., Holck, U., Geretsegger, M., Tortora, S., Osborne, N., Schögler, B., Koch, S., Elias-Masiques, J., Howorth, M.-C., Dunbar, P., Swan, K., Rochat, M. J., Schlochtermeier, R., Forster, K., & Amos, P. (2022). Rhythmic Relating: Bidirectional support

Updated Cochrane review «Music therapy and autism»

Congrats to our GAMUT colleagues Monika Geretsegger, Karin Mössler and Christian Gold for this updated Cochrane review «Music therapy and autism». Thanks also to Laura Fusar-Poli, Cochavit Elefant and Giovanni Vitale. From the conclusion we can read: «The findings of this updated review provide evidence that music therapy is probably associated with an increased chance of

GAMUT colleagues publish in «The Lancet Healthy Longevity»

We are very proud of our GAMUT colleges, Christian Gold, Monika Geretsegger and Jörg Assmus with their publication «The Lancet Healthy Longevity». In their team we also find associated GAMUT colleagues, Vigdis Sveisdottir and Jo Dugstad Wake. «Clinical effectiveness of music interventions for dementia and depression in elderly care (MIDDEL): Australian cohort of an international

Voices new edition

Dear all We are happy to announce the publishing of a new issue of Voices – A World Forum for Music Therapy. We want to thank all of those involved in making this happen; that is authors, reviewers, editors, technical support etc. Voices promotes dialogue around the relationships between music, health and social change; and

Musikk som verktøy i forebyggende arbeid med ungdom

I helgen ble del en av videreutdanningskurset MUTP640, musikk som forebyggende arbeid med ungdom, gjennomført på Hyssingen skole. MUTP640 er resultatet av Erasmus+ prosjektet STALWARTS, som GAMUT var en del av i to år. Det er andre gangen GAMUT gjennomfører kurset, og denne gangen kunne vi heldigvis ha kurset med fysisk oppmøte, Programmet inneholdt praktiske

GAMUT på Alrekdagene

I dag deltok våre to GAMUT kolleger Frode Aas Kristiansen og Ole Kristian Einarsen på Alrekdagene med innleggene: Når kan musikkterapi hjelpe ved uro hos mennesker med demens? MUSIAGI, Et tverrfaglig forskningssamarbeid. Musikk, helse og rettigheter – Hvordan kan musikk fremme velvære og styrke medbestemmelse i arbeid med enslige mindreårige migranter? Arrangementet fortsetter i morgen

New edition of Voices: Vol 21 No 2 (2021)

Dear all We are happy to announce the publishing of a new issue of Voices – A World Forum for Music Therapy. We want to thank all of those involved in making this happen; that is authors, reviewers, editors, technical support etc. Voices promotes dialogue around the relationships between music, health and social change; and

The GAMUT 2020 annual report is ready

Despite the inevitable fact that Covid-19 has made 2020 a challenging year for staff at GAMUT, and not at least for our students, developments demonstrate that our research community continues being fruitful and productive. In 2020 GAMUT researchers authored or co-authored 13 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, 2 books/monographs, 9 peer-reviewed book chapters, 1 popular